Sunday, August 28, 2022

 August 24, 2022



I had an interesting dream last night.

I wake up -  remembering this part of the dream. I'm in Brooklyn and I'm in a car with two kids.

The kid who is driving opens up the window. 

We go by a white poodle like dog.

The driver slows down and starts saying things to the dog.

The dog leaps at the car window.

Halfway through the open window the dog is biting me on the left side of my face. His teeth are grabbing my left cheek. 

I'm sitting in the right front seat of the car.

I say, "Roll up the window!"

I'm wondering if it's a roll up window or are there buttons?

Realizing it's buttons I say, "Push it up!"

If he pushes the window up half way, we can capture the dog. He can prevent it from falling into the car or onto the street.

Then I say, "Get me to the hospital for a rabies shot!"

I add, "I think Lutheran Hospital is that way."

Instead, the kid is driving towards 95 Street.

I then think of Victory Memorial Hospital where I was born. Maybe we can see a Blue Hospital Sign for Victory - but I say again, "Lutheran is down by the water - around 44 to 48 Street."

I wake up thinking about the dream. Then I wonder about whether this kid is under 18.

I wake up thinking that in the dream I realized we have the dog who bit me in the car. That might be helpful in finding out about rabies.

I wake up thinking about last night. I come into the common room and John Hamrogue is watching ZTV - but surfing.

He asks, "Anything you want?"

I said, "No."

So he has on something - switching- switching - and then he says, "Do you want the college basketball game?

It's Bucknell vs. Wake Forest and I said, "Okay."

We're watching it for about 4 minutes.

Then he switches  and surfs - without asking.

He goes by Frontline - which triggers, "This is the program mentioned in the paper about Jim Wet - and the program I heard mentioned on NPR the other day - and the question was, "Is this entrapment?"

He's watching it and when he figures out what it is - he wants to switch - I'm not sure if there was a comment.

He says, "Man bites dog."

And then comes the gesture of putting the clicker on someone else's chair.

He does that and walks out.

I watched the rest of the program on Jim West. It was quite interesting. I also like Frontline for its documentaries.

Did his walking out - after the comment, Man bites dog" find its way into my dream.

Was I supposed to bite the dog?

Did the Frontline part of the story about Jim West in the ca with the one kid triggering the kids in the car part of my dream

Life is funny.

You might never know what you're biting into till you dream.

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