Saturday, June 6, 2020

June  6,  2020


Give us this day, our daily bread.
Lord, it’s been months since I last
received communion.  I don’t want
this virus – nor do I want to be the
cause of someone else getting it.

So all I can pray is a prayer for all
people – that somehow by this
missing – this hunger – this thirst -
for communion with you – our faith
in you and each other will continue.

©  Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

June  6,  2020 

Thought  for  Today 

 A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper  it’s  written  on.” 

Samuel Goldwyn

Friday, June 5, 2020

June  5,  2020


Be still, be silent, be there for
just for a few moments each day.

Designate a chair as your prayer chair,
your sacred space, your sacred place.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if someone
spotted you and asked what you’re doing.

And you said, “Just praying, just sitting
here with God for a few wonder moments.”

And the other said,  “What? How long
have you been doing this – just sitting there?”

And you smiled – answering – "For a while
now. It just soothes my very soul.”

You don’t tell them: “For about 3 years now -
nor do you add: “Matthew 6:6” – but you want to.

 © Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

June  5, 2020 

Thought   for  Today

 “If the world were only pain and logic, who would want it?"

Mary Oliver,

Painting: "Crucifixion" 
by Vincente Silva
Philippines (1910-1981)

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Here's  a Russian movie that can get you thinking,  praying,  and looking at life.

You'll need some time  to watch it - but it's worth the watching - and praying.

It's called, "The Island" - a 2006 Russian Movie.

We're all on it - Island Earth.

Hit the little box - down on the right hand corner - to get full screen - or however you get full screen.

Prayers - and hopes.

Here's what YouTube or someone says about this movie:

The Island (Russian movie with English subtitles)

Jun 5, 2016

"The Island" is a 2006 Russian biographical film about a 20th century Eastern Orthodox monk. Pyotr Mamonov, who plays the lead character, formerly a rock musician in the USSR, converted to Eastern Orthodoxy in the 1990s and lives now in an isolated village. Film director Pavel Lungin said about him that "to a large extent, he played himself." Mamonov was first very hesitant to play in the film, but then was urged by his confessor to play the character. After the filming, one of the movie crew staff decided to stay on the island and live there as a hermit.
June   4,   2020


Surgeons need lights when they look within,
so too psychoanalysts and friends who
are trying to listen to what we’re feeling.

I prefer learning what’s within – when it’s
a box of chocolates and I know one of
these babies have red raspberry within.

Tell me more. Tell me how you swim with
God when you swim or when you sit with
God on a park bench or corner church seat.

Tell me about the old lady you visit on Thursday
afternoon for tea or the kids you tutor in math
for free and how you love Willie Nelson's songs.

Tell me how you figured life out after your husband
died and your kids were out and about - paving
their paths and roads and familying their families.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

June  4,  2020

Thought  for  Today

“The  only  wisdom we can hope to acquire / Is  the wisdom of humility: humility is endless”. 

T. S.  Eliot, page 35
In T. S. Eliot, A
Symposium for His
Seventieth Birthday,
N.Y, Farrar, Straus
& Company, 1958
Edited by Neville

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June  3,  2020


That’s how he sat on the couch ….
That’s how he drove his big 2 door car ….
That’s how his living room looked ….
That’s how he laughed and told a story ….
That’s how he sat in a restaurant  -
an empty chair on each side of him –
the rest of us on the edge and on our side….
You got to say, “He was consistent ….
He was open to what you had to say,
but you felt more like a couch pillow
than a person – your ideas or comments
would  remain like a half-eaten bag of chips ….
I think that’s why most people were past
history when it came to him …. We were
all going, going, gone …. Bye bye …. Bye bye….

©  Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

June  3,  2020

Thought  for  Today

“You  carry  heaven  and  hell  with  you.”  

Sri Ramana Mararshi

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June  2,   2020


Where will I go - when I die?

Into a death card - name and dates -
and a prayer now and then - I hope ….

Into a memory - jumping out of
a conversation - by old friends ….

Into a photograph - on a bookshelf -
and on an iPhone for a while ….

Into acts of kindness - that I tried - 
before I died and you - caught that spirit …

In my jigsaw puzzle - God smiles at  - in its
box - which he still treasures on his window sill ….

And I better add:  sitting  somewhere on the
biggest table – God’s table – in our forever ….

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

June   2,  2020 

Thought  for  Today 

 “If you don’t place your foot on the rope,  you’ll never cross the chasm.” 


Monday, June 1, 2020


Mary, as I ponder your many titles,
as I wonder about your many names,
I stop for a moment at some of them:
Our Lady of Sorrows and Perpetual Help,
Full of grace and the call to do something
when newlywed couples run out of wine
or folks are hungry for some daily bread.

Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother
of Perpetual Help, remind us, that it be done to us –
what was done to you, that we be there for others
at cribs and crosses or when someone needs
an eye of recognition  in a crowd or when they need
a breath of fresh air – having fallen or been pushed down
once more on dark macadam hard streets of death. Amen. 

©  Andy Costello  Prayers

June   1,   2020

"You  can't ring the bells and,  at the same time,  walk in the procession."

Spanish Proverb

Sunday, May 31, 2020

May 31, 2020


Gone Holy Spirit ….
It seems like the in and out
of breath has left our lungs –
and we are speechless –
has fled our sails –and
we are stuck on this side
of the lake – has  been locked
and hidden in our upper rooms –
with plywood panels boarding
up our windows ….

Come Holy Spirit ….
Wind - Holy Breath of God –
Fresh Air – wherever you are -
breathe into us – Genesis us –
RUAH  us – rush into us -
fill us - so that  we
can shout out new words ….
Fill our sails so we can head
for new shores  …. Open our windows
so we can look out at blue skies beyond us.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

May  31,  2020

Thought  for  Today

“I  got  the blues thinking of the future, so I left off and made some marmalade.  It’s amazing how it cheers one up to shred oranges and scrub the floor.”

D.H. Lawrence