Saturday, July 25, 2020

July  25,  2020

Black and Blue went up a hill 
to see what they could see. 

Black asked Blue, if at times she 
ever wanted to be another color. 

“Oh yeah, said Blue, “Lots of times 
I’d love to be a bright, bright yellow.” 

“You’re kidding,” said Black, “Not me 
and lately you’re noticed, I matter.” 

At the top they ran into Red – and they 
asked him if he was happy to be Red

“Yes, yes,”  said Red, “I only want to be Red
Did you ever notice, I always get the blond?” 

Blue said, “You guys are typical men. I’d love 
to be any color: Yellow, green, brown, whatever.” 

Black and Red both responded, “Women!” 
“No” said Blue, with a smile. “Just smart.” 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

July   25,   2020

Thought   for  Today

“What  man  strives  to  preserve, in preserving himself, is something which he has never  been  at any particular moment.” 
George Santayana


Friday, July 24, 2020

July   24,  2020


we crumble so we grumble.

Crumble teaches us
we are not God.

Crumble teaches us this
in the crumble of the cookie
in our kitchen
and in our sidewalks
as we walk down the street.

Crumble happens in
the breaking of our toys
and in the wrinkles of our skin,
in the painful arthritis of our bones
as we sink and start to crumble over
downwards back into the earth.

Grave thoughts,
but this reality of being human
can also crumble our pride
till we finally look up 
and cry out for the divine,
WHO made us up out of
mud and clay -
these fragile elements -
in the first place
in our mothers womb –
our mother earth -
and this God can
raise us up
on our last day again

Crumble teaches us.
We know we can’t. Amen

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

July  24,  2020

Thought  for  Today
“If you want truth to go round the world you  must hire an express train to pull it;  but if you want a lie to go around the world,  it will fly: it is as light as a feather, and a breath  will carry it.  It is well said in the old proverb, ‘a lie  will go round the world while truth is putting its boots  on’.”  

C.H. Spurgeon [1934-1892] 
in Gems from Spurgeon  (1839)

Thursday, July 23, 2020

July  23,   2020


Who said, “Life is fair”?

Yet it seems that’s the assumption
we’re all born with – or given – or have.

You hear kids saying it all the time.
“Hey, that’s not fair!”  "unfair!"

People jump ahead of each other
on lines all the time – or they try.

“I got one scoop of ice cream and it
was delicious till I saw you got two.”

“She got the lead in the play
and I got to give out the programs.”

“They just built this fire house
just down the street from us.”

“Not fair.  Lefties can get to first base
a step quicker than righties ever time.”

“Jesus Christ, not fair. My birthday
is on December 25th.  Not fair.”

Who said, “Life is fair”?

July   23,  2020

Thought   for  Today

“There  was  a  reviewer a while back who wrote that my  pictures didn’t have any  beginning or any end.  He didn’t mean it  as  a compliment, but it was. It was a fine compliment.”  

Jackson Pollock [1912-1956]   
Francis V. O’Connor, 
Jackson Pollock [1967]

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

July   22,   2020


Sometimes we do the stupid thing –
like not taking care of the right front
tire – till it’s too late and it goes flat -
some 256 miles away from home.

To self-destruct – that’s something
we humans do – and too, too often.
We eat too much. We say the wrong
thing. Then we blurt out, “Dumb!”

To walk in the light – seems to appear
only in church services and prayers –
not in real life. To be smart, to get new
tires: now would trigger us to do that?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

July   22,  2020

Thought   for   Today

“The first hole made through a piece of stone is a revelation.”  

Henry  Moore, 
in Listener
August 18,  1937

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

July 21,  2020

Thought for Today

“Few, save the poor, feel for the poor.”  

Letitia Elizabeth Landon 
[1802-38] English writer, 
in The Poor.
Potato Eaters by Van Gogh

July   21,   2020


At times I wish I had a ladder, 
to climb up and see tomorrow – 
to see the other side of where 
I'm headed – but I don’t. Nope. 

Nope. I don’t – so there is only 
today – and just the now of now. 
And I have found out I won’t  even 
know the now of now till tomorrow. 

And that's a maybe, maybe ....

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

July   20,  2020


Does every desire have a disappointment
built into it? Now that’s a lifetime question.

I enjoyed my  meal. It was in a dark red
restaurant – but his steak was over cooked.

It was a good marriage – certainly better
than my first – but wow could she nitpick.  

The novel – good story – real characters –
but I figured out the ending on page 101.

Do I say I was looking for God in every desire,
but if I did, would you be quite disappointed?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

Monday, July 20, 2020

 July  20,  2020

Thought  for  Today 

“Prayer is the shortest distance between  two  points infinitely distant apart.”

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Freedom, feeling at peace, 
have decided to drop a fishing net 
full of fears – arthritis, dementia, 
the possible impossible virus, 
the unknown nexts - as well as being  
unable to control the waterboarding  
feel of some conversationsIt’s Sabbath  
and sometimes I want to get off this phone. 

Then there is eternal redemption – 
the complete letting go in death - 
putting my life in surgeons'  hands -  
letting God be resurrection 
and new life – the possible dawn 
in the eternal not knowing if 
and what's on the other side of  
the forever and ever. Amen. 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020
3rd Sunday in July, 
Holy Redeemer Sunday
 for Redemptorists

July  19,  2020

Thought  for  Today

“Too  beautiful for our ears, and much too many notes,  dear Mozart.”

Emperor Joseph II