Saturday, April 10, 2021

 April  10,  2021




Up into a bus,
down from this porch,
up from the street,
down into the cellar,
up to the second floor,
one more step
up into the house –
motion up or down
or around – any where
but stuck where  I am
right now. Okay. Move it.


April 10,  2021


Thought for the Day


 “I’m not OK;  you’re not OK – and that’s OK.”


William Shane Coffin

Friday, April 9, 2021

 April  9,  2021




Needing muscle,
needing a plan,
or a map,
needing a hope,
a want to,
needing effort,
a boat,
needing to let go –
anyway, some way,
to get beyond this.


© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021


 April  9,  2021


Thought for the Day


“If there is no wind, row.”

"Si ventus non est,  remiga."


Latin proverb

Thursday, April 8, 2021

 April  8,  2021



Lunch - all alone - in the middle
of a small luncheonette – people
together at a dozen different tables.
Ooops! I forgot my newspaper so I began
to read the faces of the people around me.
Jaws. Eyes. Watch or phone watchers.
Smile. Scowl. Okay. Not okay.
I wonder what people are doing
behind their skin -  their mask.
Is anyone watching me. Is anyone
wondering what’s behind my face –
inside the refrigerator of  my soul?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

April  8,  2021


Thought for the Day


“Poetry makes some kind of claim of honesty.  If, at a party, I say I’m a poet,  people have a hard time of responding, almost as if I’d said I’m a priest.” 


Tobias Hill,

The Independent,

August 9, 2006

“I know the feeling

on both counts.”

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

April  7,  2021



My sister Mary called today and
said, “It’s mom’s anniversary.

It’s April 7th.
I had forgotten.
She was killed.
Hit and run – on her
way to church and then work.
Today, April 7, 1987.
I still haven’t cried.
I said that to someone
and they suggested,
“Listen to Irish music.”
I tried that.
It didn’t work.

                                             © Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

 April 7,  2021

Thought for the Day

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”


John Stuart Mill

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

 April  6,  2021




I don’t know what I would say
if I knew I was to die in the morning.
Executed …. Beheaded
along with her brother Hans -
he 24  -  she at the age of 21 -
for standing up 
against the Nazi’s in 1943.
Would I be brave?
Would I scream?
Would I wet my pants?
Would I say what Sophie Scholl said,
“Such a fine sunny day and
I have to go.  But what does my death matter
if through it thousands of people
are stirred to action?”
Hope that still happens - where there is horror. 
Where am I called to action?
Look her up on line: Sophie Scholl.
Listen to what she still has to say 
on this beautiful day.


© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

April  6,  2021


Thought for the Day


“People who are far from God think they are very near to him, when they begin to take a few steps to approach him.  The most polite and most enlightened people have the same stupidity about this as a peasant who thinks he is really at court, because he has seen the king.”


Francois Fenelon

Monday, April 5, 2021

 April 5, 2021


I stand here at the edge of the ocean,
so small,  so hesitant, so little, so me,
knowing out there is so much more,
whales, turtles, dolphins, mackerels,
and wave after wave after wave at my feet.
Comparisons – are the great teachers
that teach me. I look out and see five big
container ships on the horizon. At night
I see the moon rising out of the ocean.
I see the sun rising out of ocean in the morning.
Where do you live?  What is it teaching you?
Besides this ocean edge, I’ve lived in the great
mid-west – seeing wave after wave of corn
and wheat and soybeans learning the value
of farmers and hard work and the need for water.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

April 5,  2021


Thought for the Day

“Blue seas … are the domain of the largest brain
ever created,  With a fifty-million-year-old-smile.”

Heathcote Williams

in Whale Nation 1941

Sunday, April 4, 2021

 April  4,  2021  - Easter Sunday


Easter  doesn’t always have to happen
the way it’s always supposed to happen.
Surprise! Beggars – the homeless –
might just discover a new way to do life.
Alcoholics, gamblers, drug addicts,
might get into a program and recover.
A marriage that has crumbled and died
might discover Easter can happen to them.
Graves can open up on this side of the grave
and Easter can appear with new Good News.


© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

April 4,  2021

Thought for the Day


“In the spring, at the end of day, you should smell like dirt.”


Margaret Atwood