Wednesday, August 31, 2022

August 31, 2022



It was winter.

I found myself saying, "I'm tired."

I found myself saying, "It's cold."

I found myself saying, "I need to hibernate."

Then I laughed  - trying to remember if the Latin word that sounds like "hibernate" means "winter".  It does. "Hibernare" is the Latin verb for "to pass the winter".

Do bears have it right? Even though they wear those big fur coats, do they know the importance of hibernation?

Does the human body know we must sleep more - bundle up - hide - get under the covers - in the cold weather?

I know I don't get enough sleep - but do I need more sleep - in the winter?

Living in a 4 season zone on the planet, I have learned to appreciate each season - so bring on the cold - bring on the chill - bring on the ice breaking Spring - the March winds, the April showers - the hot summer - the Autumn leaves - the Prima Nix [Latin for the first snow of winter].

Balance: the seasons teach me balance.

Variety: the seasons teach me variety.

Deja Vu: every year  the seasons teach me repetition.  I've been here before - a year older - hopefully knowing cycles, circles, that much better.

Variety - repetition - getting used to - the experience of learning by experience.

Sleep and dreaming - walking while figuring - working to  make my dreams come true.

My body ages - with the seasons - with the years - and I need to settle in at times for long winter naps - knowing  some night will be the long sleep.

Bears wake up.

All of us need to wake up.

We need to know that the Resurrection and new life - is always on the other side of the lake.


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