Friday, September 2, 2022

 September 2. 2022



Everyone's prayer is, "De Profundis."

Out of  my depths - from my depths - especially when I feel an ocean of water - or doubts - or debts - or problems - are churning around me - and I have nothing or no one to grab onto.

De Profundis ....

Psalms 130 is everyone's prayer.

Is God in a helicopter hovering over a sinking ship - tossing down a rope or a basket to grab onto or get into.

Did the Jews have it right when they told the story of the baby Moses put in a basket - and sent out into the waters - and then that Moses is saved - and grows up - and then leads his people through the waters - to escape, to exit Egypt - for freedom.

Everyone screams out, "Oh my God!" - "OMG" - "Jesus Christ" - "Holy Moses" - "God, where are You" - or "Holy shit" - when disaster strikes.

The cries for God are many.

There are atheists in foxholes.

There are agnostics in foxholes.

There are people of faith in foxholes.

People scream.

People in foxholes scream.

Some for God.

The screams for God are shoutest loudest when the mud or the moment we are in - becomes what we don't expect and don't want.

Out of the depths I cry to you, O God.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  PSALM  130  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Out of the depths I cry to You, O God.

Lord. hear my cry.

Let Your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.

If You, Lord, kept an account of my sins, who, O Lord, could hold up one's head.

But in You is forgiveness - therefore You are revered.

I wait for the Lord with all my soul

My hope is the fulfillment of God's word.

My soul waits for the Lord more eagerly than watchmen wait for the morning.

Like those who watch for the morning, O Israel, look for the Lord.

The Lord is love unfailing; great is his power to set us free.

He alone will set Israel free from all their sins.

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