Sunday, August 28, 2022

August 27,  2022



"There are consequences!"

That's one of life's top ten truisms.

"There are consequences."

If you drink a lot of alcohol, you can crash a car, say the wrong thing, or wake up in a place you have no idea where you are and how you got there.

If you order sushi, you get sushi.

If you order steak, you get steak.

If you become pregnant, there are consequences.

If you walk a half-an-hour every day, there are consequences,

If you don't walk, there are consequences.

If you lie, there are consequences.

If you tell the truth, there are consequences.

They say the teenage brain lacks physical "something" and as a result they can mess up the consequences of their choices and actions.

Us older folks often don't stop to think that this other person - especially a teenager thinks differently than I think.

How do we get kids to stop before they act - and ask, :What are the consequences of A or B or C or D?"

Trusting in the principle of  cause and effect - i.e.:  there are consequences, maybe just repeating over and over again, "There are consequences" will bring about good consequences.

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