April 23, 2022
The person we work with is crazy or insane or a pain or drives us crazy, does nothing,wastes time.
He or she is on the eternal coffee break.
He or she makes more money than we do, or is praised more than we are, or is recognized more than we are.
What to do - if anything?
Quit? See someone? Scream? Hang in there?
What to do?
Read The Book of Job? Turn the other cheek? Start our own business?
What to do?
It's an everyday question for millions and millions of people.
Do you wait for retirement? Ours or the other?
If we leave, will we meet their twin in the next place?
Or even more tricky, is the pattern, the mannerisms that itch and irk you, part of you, and you're no facing it or them?
If that's the truth, then everywhere you go, you go with you and them.