Friday, April 14, 2023

 April 14, 2023


April 14, 2023



Make sure you pause whenever you are

In a harbor. Look around. Study the scene.

It’s the place of metaphor and image. It’s

different than so many other places.  It’s

all about giving and receiving – life.  It’s

all about arrivals and departures.  It’s

the place of many more stories than

airports – going way, way back into history.

The Illiad and the Odyssey – Paul’s journeys….

Water and the sea = the liquid meandering

of so many lives that have gone before us.


© Reflections, Andy Costello


 April 14, 2023

Quote For Today

"A suicide kills two people, Maggie, that's what it's for."

Arthur Miller,

After the Fall (1964) act 2

Thursday, April 13, 2023

 April 13, 2023


April 13,  2023




Sometimes that’s all you can do:

wait for the rain. Sometimes it rains.

Sometimes it takes weeks for it to rain.

Sometimes even longer. On the right

day – with the right temperature – it’s

wonderful as the song  goes – to go

outside and walk in the rain –

to let the rain pelt your face –

to stop to see and to feel the feel of rain.

Stick your tongue out and taste the rain.


© Reflections, Andy Costello


August 13, 2023

Quote for Today

"The structure of a play is always the story of how the birds come home to rest."

Arthur Miller 

"Shadows of the Gods" 

in Harper's Magazine, August 1958

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

 August 12, 2023


April 12, 2023



Don’t like these “musts” –

these “have to’s”.  I rather

face a hundred “want to’s”.

I suppose that’s not the way

life works. Does anyone get

away with only having to do

what they like or enjoy? How

about Kings or Queens? Do

they only eat clams and cake –

if that is what they want for supper?

Yet nobody owns all the roads

that lead to favorite restaurants.

We must learn how to deal with traffic.

Neighbors and strangers get beat up

and robbed on the roads of life

and someone has to stop to help them.

Otherwise we won’t have stories.


© Reflections, Andy Costello


 August 12, 2023

Quote for Today

"No legacy is so rich as honesty."

William Shakespeare

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

 April 11, 2023


April 11, 2023




Not everyone has one – but most do.

I look – or better – I notice style.

When I’m putting my used bowls

and plates into a kitchen sink

I’m getting a glimpse into the

personality of another – those

into  saving water – those who

do things  immediately – those

who let plates soak till time

to put supper together. Me?

I don’t have to do the dishes.

Not fair – not a bad deal.

But it makes me think,

“What am I like? What am I like?”


© Reflections, Andy Costello

April 11, 2023

Quote for Today

"It has long been an axiom of mine that  the little things are infinitely the most important."


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Monday, April 10, 2023

April 10,, 2023

April 10, 2023




Sometimes we figure it out

that the best way to approach

another is sideways – that is,

through the back or side door.

We know – just know – this is

the best way to go – to get to

where we want to go – but

going frontways – face to face –

just doesn’t work. Worse:

it’s the worse way to go.


© Reflections, Andy Costello


Tell me what love is like?

It's listening.

It's thinking of the other.

It's the cross.

It's putting the others first.

It's caring.

It's forgiving.

It's not taking the seat you want.

It's not always being frustrated.

It's not knowing and always going bonkers about that.

It's giving the uninteresting a call now and then.

It's knowing there is more than me.

(c) Andy Costello, Reflections

April 10, 2023 

Quote for Today

"You can't depend on your judgment when your imagination is out of focus."

Mark Twain, (1835-1910)


Sunday, April 9, 2023

 April 9. 2023


April 9, 2023




It we start talking to each other,

the other or we ourselves will

tell the other our disappointments.

This takes time and the aging process.

We didn’t finish a plan or a hope.

We made a promise never done.

The other might have died or

moved away and that’s that.

Or we could make a phone call

and make a confession of

our sins or broken promises

or we can forgive others.

If we get this we can get what

the Catholic Church has in

the Sacrament of Reconciliation

or  “Going to Confession”.


© Reflections, Andy Costello

 April 9. 2023


"Honesty is the best policy but there are too few policyholders."