Saturday, January 21, 2023

 January 21,   2023



Long before cellphones, people spent

their days in inner conversations with

the other – the key person in their life –

especially when the person is elsewhere.


Time there is where and when we are

talking to the important people in our lives –

talking, thinking, being in the heart of

another – but often – we too are elsewhere.


© Reflections, Andy Costello

 January 21, 2023

Quote for Today

"Standing, as I do, in view of God and eternity. I realize that patriotism is not enough.  I must have no hatred  or bitterness towards anyone."

Edith  Cavell [1865-1915]

English nurse, executed by

the  Germans for assisting 

in to escape of British soldiers

from occupied Belgium.

[The Times October 23, 1915

Friday, January 20, 2023

 January 20, 2023



A mile all around which I walked

1,000 times – not round – not oval –

lake sized – here in West End, N.J. -

with a dozen brand new benches –

on its edge – put there in 2022.

A place to walk – a place to sit –

a place to watch the birds taking off

and landing – on the water - an airport – 

a place to walk every morning or afternoon

or run in the spring, summer, fall evenings.

How long did it take folks to figure out

it was as good a place to be at as

the Atlantic Ocean just a hall mile away?

How many more places around here are

just waiting for me to walk to – to discover?


© Reflections, Andy Costello

 January 20, 2023

Quote for Today

"Fidel Castro is right.   You do not quieten your enemy by talking with him like a priest, but by burning him."

Nicolae Ceausescu [1918-1989]

at a Communist meeting 

December 17, 1989

Thursday, January 19, 2023

 January 19, 2023



Sometimes we just have to do it.
We need to take our chances.
We need to show up and sign up.
We need to love and try to serve.
Okay. Even though underneath it all – 
we’re nervous. We have the shakes.
Love is needed and we don’t think 
love is there, Yet we get up and do it.
We flower.  It's then we finally realize 
what is underneath it all – the real me 
becoming free - the real me loving me.


© Reflections, Andy Costello

 January 19, 2023

Quote for Today

"The poet is the priest of the invisible."

Wallace Stevens [1879-1955]

Adagio   [1957]

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

 January 18, 2023



Sometimes love seems so easy  -

especially when we want to sing it -

but when it's tough times – when

it’s rough times, then -  that's when

it's time to really love – to really

to mean the words, when it's time

to really do the words. Amen.


© Reflections, Andy Costello 

January 18, 2023

Quote for Today

"Every time I paint a portrait I lose a friend." 

John Singer Sargent [1856-1925]

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

January  17,  2023

Quote for Today

"If someone claps his hand a sound arises. Listen to the sound of the single hand."

Hakuin [1686-1769] 

Attributed to this Japanese monk,

writer and artist, founder 

of modern Japanese Zen

 January 17, 2023



Be careful, comments can kill.

Criticisms can cut and wound.

Silence can silence the other person.

We can crush a bug who is

just going out for a morning walk –

just as we too are going out for

our morning walk. The bug only

got to see its first few moments of life –

but we got our chance to dance

a thousand  dances so far – and

we didn’t notice we killed that bug.

How can the world stop the bombing

of the Ukraine – the killing of

the children – whom we never

saw getting into the dance of life –

and they didn’t either?








© Reflections, Andy Costello




Monday, January 16, 2023

January 16, 2023



It seems to me that every time

I begin to speak to you, you reach

for your cell phone. That usually

stops me from talking to you –

not with a cell phone – but with just

my slightly tightening teeth here in this room.

To be honest – I’ve never called you

and said, “When you do this, it makes

me ask myself, ‘Am I that boring?’"

Now of course I’ve thought about this a bit.

Then I’ve noticed, I do the same thing to you

and others when I’m hearing the same stories

I’ve heard you tell a hundred times.

I guess I figure my stories are better.

So I'm now asking, "Long before cell phones,

did cave men and women –

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle –

Dante, Beatrice, Joan of  Arc -

everyone – that thinks the other

is not listening to them think this

same thing I’m thinking right now?"

© Reflections, Andy Costello

 January  16, 2023

Quote for Today

"Ten years after your death

I meet on a page of your journal, as never before,

The shock of your joy."

Ted Hughes [1930-1998]

Visit   [1998]

Sunday, January 15, 2023

January 15, 2023




Trying to find understanding in a hurt,

in something that happened to me – in

something that stopped my going down

the highway 73 miles per hour in a 65

mile per hour zone – a pot hole,

a broken chunk of tire in the middle of

the lane I’m in. “Uh oh! Oh no! Whoa!”

Switching lanes in my brain – now where

was I back there, back then, back when

I moved forward to where I was before

I slowed down?  Scratch, scratch ….

What was under what just happened?

When in the horror of it all, in the

crowning with thorns, with the falls

on the way to the cross, in the pounding

of the nails into hands and feet,

when did Jesus figure out why he said,

“Father forgive them, they don’t know

what they are doing?” Scratch. Scratch.


© Reflections, Andy Costello

 January 15, 2023

Quote for Today

"To know all is to forgive all."
