Monday, August 29, 2022

 August 29, 2022



Car rides together became the main metaphor of his life - without knowing that it did.

He drove alone to work ....

Together with his girl friend in his first car - it cost just $1,ooo - an old Pinto - dark blue - noisy rattle inside - never did figure out what caused it.

Together on weekends after they got married - a better car of course - when going to see friends, parents, family ....

But the metaphor really rolled in when he and his wife and their four kids went together to parents - and he  yell out, "I need you. Is there a map there. I'm looking for Route 435.

And then when his parents were really getting older and sick - and they had to drive to Rhode Island - every other weekend - and their kids were gone.

She would be knitting - he thinking about their life time - and the times of their lives together.

Sometimes good silence together - sometimes good talks together - good understandings together - these car rides together.

They winked at each other - when other couples said thy hated car time together - she always yelling, "You're too close to the car in front of you."  He really hated her constant refrain, "Slow down!"

Car - a metaphor of freedom - that first car he had when he was off to college.

Car - a metaphor of time together - now a Volvo - their old age car together as retired folks.

Let the good times roll.

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