Saturday, March 27, 2021

March 27, 2021



Please, please, keep blood
off my hands – let me be wall,
home, fireplace, footpath or road.
Please, please, don’t throw me
at those you don’t like, those
who speak or teach you the truth.
Please, please, statue  me, cornerstone me,
let me be part of church, temple, mosque,
school,  clinic, but please don’t bomb me.
Please, please, don’t misuse me
by using me to hurt others. Better let me stay
where I am - part of some memorable mountain.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

March  27,  2021

Thought for the Day


A humble clerk in Whitehall had a bright idea one day.  In his office were scores of ancient files crammed with outdated and wholly worthless correspondence.  Why not burn the lot, and thus make room for recent letters?         

Greatly daring, the clerk ventured to suggest this, doing so in true bureaucratic style, for he submitted his proposal in the form of a chit which was duly sent to his immediate superior.

As that individual heartily agreed, he endorsed the chit, and forwarded it to his superior, who sent it to another department, where it was advanced to a yet higher authority, and in the fullness of time, the chit returned to the humble clerk.

“Your recommendation is approved,” declared the Big Chief, “The files you referred to in your communication of the 8th may be destroyed provided that copies are made of all papers beforehand.”

Someone somewhere

Friday, March 26, 2021

March 26, 2021



As Proverbs 6:6 puts it,
“Go to the ant, O lazy one,
study her ways and learn wisdom.”
Go to the moth, the spider and
the early bird who catches the worm,
watch them and learn their ways.
Study the hippo and the giraffe,
learn their wisdom, they evolved
this far and should go much further.
And watch the lazy ones, those on
street corners and drunken alleys,
see what happens to those who
stop studying and learning wisdom.


© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

March  26,  2021


Thought for the Day


“And here’s to you, Mrs.  Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know.
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray.”


Paul Simon

in Mrs. Robinson,

1968 song.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

 March  25,  2021



We might not be an artist,
but one good way to read
the scriptures or another’s
life is to picture the key 
moments in their life or any life.

Use your imagination.

“I met this man!”
"An angel announced 
my future to me!”
“I’m pregnant!”
“God is alive and
God is in me!”
“Be it done to me
according to your word.”
“Do whatever he tells you.”



© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

On top: the study painting
and then below that  the real thing:
The Annunciation by
Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1898

March  25,  2021

Thought for the Day


Martin Mendgen, 1930

“The average man’s life consists of twenty years of having his mother ask him when he’s going, forty years of having his wife ask the same question, and at the end, the mourners wonder too.”



Wednesday, March 24, 2021




The title of my homily is, “Books:  Take and Read.”
In St. Augustine’s famous book, The Confessions, there is a scene where Augustine is in a garden and he hears a kid sing songing the words, “Tolle, lege…. Tolle, lege.”
“Take and read. Take and read.”
And he picks up the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans – and reads the 13th Verse in the 13th  Chapter, He hears Paul saying,  “Put aside the works of darkness and walk in the light. Stop sinning and be converted.”
Have we all in some time in our life picked up the Bible and read a section and we were challenged - converted – changed?
We all have a history – the memories of our lifetime.
Everybody has their stories – childhood best friends – times we fell and broke our skin or bones – birthdays – trips – school – church.
When I read today’s readings I thought of my reading history.
Did I have a first book?
My mother never really learned to read or write. My dad did 4 grades like my mom  - but he learned to read somewhere along the line.  We saw him reading when we were kids and he read poems to us.
My older brother and oldest sister were readers - more than my sister Peggy and me.
I really didn’t start reading books  till I was in the 3rd year of high school.
How about you?
I’ve seen nieces and one nephew as well as many little kids reading as little kids.
Not me. I wish I did – but I didn’t.
Since then I made up for lost time.
How about you?  Do you have a favorite book?  Do you have 10 favorite books?  I saw an article in the paper just yesterday about 10 favorite books for kids.
Do you see the Bible as a portable library?
If you walk into a library, you can walk to all kinds of different sections.
Do you see the Bible as containing all kinds of literature: history, sermons, letters, fairy tales, songs, wisdom sayings, laws?
Do you have a favorite saying from the Bible?  Do you have a favorite Psalm?  Do you have a favorite Gospel?  Do you have a favorite letter?
What words in the bible have formed and sculpted you?
Have you had good Bible teachers?  Have you taught catechism using favorite Bible passages?
Today’s first reading is from the Book of Daniel.
Do you know the strange fairy tales and mysterious stories in that book and the reason they are in the Bible?   Like today’s story from Chapter 3 of Daniel. It’s the story of the 3 young men thrown into a fire because they won’t worship the Golden Statue of a false God.  And King Nebuchadnezzar orders the fire  be made 7 times hotter – and then 7 times hotter again.
And when people look into the fire,  instead of just seeing Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego dancing in the fire, they see a fourth person, Daniel.
It’s great story telling. And Daniel  has many wonderful appearances in this book named after him: dreams and visions, the handwriting on the wall, the Lion’s Den, and the story of Susanna.

And if you were to tell us your favorite Gospel – would it be John?
And would you know unique stories in John: Nicodemus coming to Jesus at night, the wedding feast of Cana, the woman caught in Adultery and Jesus says, “Let the one without sin cast that first stone,”  or the woman at the well, and on and on and on.
What words have formed us and shaped us?
Take and read. Take and read. 
My dad had 3 sisters who were Mercy Nuns.  Could they read?  I don’t know.  Now I have a question and I’ll try to get an answer.  I found out where their archives are in North Carolina. They were servants and cooks and cleaners – but did they learn to read.
We can have lots of conclusions.  One would be: to  be thankful for those who taught us to read.

 March  24, 2021



What was the best day in your life so far?
Great question.

Suggestion: pick 5 or 10, then pick 1.
It could be today.  You never know.
“So far” – those two little words at the end
are important, because there can be more.
What are the ingredients?
Probably it would include:
another and the Golden Rule,
Then add: totally forgetting oneself,
letting go and allowing for surprise.
Another comment: it just might be
the best day for the other as well.


© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

March  24,  2021


Thought for the Day


“God is not yet finished with creation.”


Osho [1931-1990]
Come, Come, Yet Again Come

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

 March  23,  2021



100% of people are deaf.
We don’t listen to each other.
We don’t see, we don’t read the
other person’s sign language.
We miss the shoulder shrug.
We don’t see ourselves looking
at our watch when we want to run.
We don’t see the other’s eye,
the others hurt, the others sigh.
99.99% of communication is
non-verbal communication.
Unconscious talks to unconscious
and we’re unconscious.
When are going to finally make
our First Communion with each other.


© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

You have to watch the  video of The Silent Child at least 3 times to hear it. 

March  23,  2021


Thought for the Day


“Not because of victories
I sing,
having none,
but for the common sunshine,
the breeze,
the largess of the spring.
Not for victory
but for the day’s work done
as well as I was able;
not for a seat upon the dais
but at the common table.”

Charles Reznikoff

Monday, March 22, 2021

 March  22,  2021

Good question ….
Do you really want to know?
How am I doing?
Do you want feelings?
Do you want facts?
Do you want “Uh oh’s!?”
Sometimes I don’t know!
Compared to what?
It all depends?
There’s money….
There’s relationships ….
There’s family ….
I zig zag.
I deny.
I lie.
Do I trust you if I tell you?
Did anyone bring up God?
What have others told you?


© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

March  22,  2021


Thought for the Day:

“A gossip is someone who talks to you about others.
A bore is someone who talks about himself.
A brilliant conversationalist is one who keeps quiet
and lets you do all the talking.”


In Ann Landers
2-2-98. Toledo Blade,
Peaches p. 5



Sunday, March 21, 2021

March 21,  2021



Imagine all the surprises
in a playground full of kids,
or in a yellow bus on the highway,
or in kids who want to step up and sing?
Imagine.  Expect.  Accept.
Be ready: there are plenty of gifts
just waiting right in front of you. Amen.

 © Andy Costello, Reflections 2021

March  21,  2021


Thought for the Day


“To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.”


Benjamin Disraeli