June 23, 2021
There are lots of places – lots of them –
but I have a few places I love a lot more
than lots of other places – and I noticed
them a lot more than other places.
How about you? What are your places?
Like the back room in our basement
in Brooklyn on 62nd Street – 326 –
when we were kids - but my brother
Billy liked it too and got it more
because he was bigger and older than me.
Like Bliss Park in Brooklyn
when growing up – terrific
in summer to just roll down
the big hill and in winter
of my sled – a Flexible Flyer.
Like a big reservoir– a mile around -
at least - filled with quiet water
just outside the city of Lima, Ohio.
It was great for walking around alone
or with Denis - but he was a runner
Then there all the places I lived that
were on the water – Spa Creek, Annapolis,
Maryland, the Hudson in Esopus, New York,
Lac La Belle in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin,
and now on the Atlantic in Long Branch, N.J.
A rocking chair, a Lazy Boy Lounge,
a window seat on a bus or a plane,
a breakfast or supper seat with a
whole gang of people on a cruise,
or a seat behind a pole in any church.
© Andy Costello, Reflections 2021