Sunday, August 28, 2022

 August 28, 2022



We know what it means when we heard as kids,  "Act your age!"

What about 67?

We see or hear about men - but also some women - who switch back to act 20 years younger and they have what is called "The Mid-life Crisis."

What about 67?

How does someone who is 67 or 70 act?

We hear that retirement age might be delayed.  We hear that it's good to keep on working, if we can. We hear that second careers are a smart move for health - both physical and mental health.

What about 67?

I love to meet people in their 70's who are alive and young at heart.

How about people in their 80's?

Victor  is 94 - and he sleeps more -  but he seems to be very much alive mentally. And he takes a good walk every day.  He still drives.  His wife Nancy is in her 70's. That helps.

Act your age.

Jesus says, "Unless you be like little children, you won't see the kingdom of God."

Someone said that a person who stays, "young at heart" can be called "Kingdom Person",  Is that true?

What does it mean to be young at heart - to be a child at heart?

Watch children.

Watch their sense of imagination - play - scream for fairness, etc.

I want that. 


At 67, 87, and 97.

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