Saturday, October 1, 2022

 October 1, 2022



Last night I had my #607th conversation about the question, "Can another person change."

Can a person change?

Can I change?

We're always talking about others - especially about those who negate - those who drain us - those we don't want around.

Can they change?

And the answer I keep coming up with is, "Have I ever changed?"

My sister-in-law, Joanne, once said to me, "You've changed!"

Afterwards, while driving, I thought about that.

I'm too close to myself to see change in myself.

People who haven't seen us for years might see a nervous person who now seems much more confident.

I look at sermons I preached 10 years ago. They look so insipid. They seem so uninspiring. So yes I see that I have changed from 10 years ago.

Question: can I sit down and resolve to make a change and then do it?

Once more the question of specifics shows up. Be specific in the how of the changes you want to make.

I could go to be an hour earlier each night.

I could try to eat one orange or apple each day.

I could bite my tongue more and listen better.

I could take one hour each week to clean up and out my room.

I could us my black Progoff loose leaf filler each week.  

Will I?

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