Sunday, September 25, 2022

 September 25,  2022



Sometimes I have to tell myself, "Breathe."

Now of course, if I didn't breathe, I wouldn't be writing this.

However, sometimes we are all filled up with stress, pressures, calls, things pulling at us from all angles  - and we find  ourselves needing to stop - relax - and breathe.

There's breathing and there's breathing.

There's unconscious breathing and conscious breathing.

There's shallow breathing - and deep breathing.


Looking back I realize my father's death is strongly attached to his breathing problems - so I suspect this will happen to me as well.  This year I came to the day I lived longer than my dad. My lungs lasted longer than his lungs lasted.

I catch myself out of breath while climbing a hill or the stairs.

I need to do more exercise.


Scientists want to know if there is water on other planets - because if there, that means there is oxygen, and if there is oxygen, there is the possibility of life.

Scientist worry about clean air and clean water on this planet called "earth".

I do to.

Hopefully we all do.

I know the sun is figured to last billions and billions of more burning - what about water and oxygen.

In the meanwhile, keep breathing.

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