Friday, September 30, 2022

 September 30, 2022



Middles are the places where we need persistence, patience, strength and the ability to push ourselves.

Beginnings are easy.  I can dream up a thousand projects a day.

I can start something new - with excitement - but it's that second chapter - it's that noon day devil - it's those interruptions - it's the need for naps - it's those next miles when I run out of gas.

I'm still in middle age - well a bit older - 67.

Translation: there are a lot of things i want to do before I die.

Translation: if I consider myself to be in my old age - then I'll coast.

Translation: I rather stay young - creating, dreaming, imagining, with lots of future possibilities.

So Lord, in the middle of every middle, give me the push - be with me when I stop to sit on a bench for a while - and then get young again.

Didn't Dante use the image of the middle - as the metaphor - the central metaphor for his great writing.

Here I am in the middle of the dance floor - so dance.

Here I am in the middle of the woods - them walk.

Here I am in the middle of the river - start rowing.

Here I am in the middle of my life - just do it.

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