Monday, September 26, 2022

September 26, 2022



It's great to be in a restaurant and a party of people start laughing. It's great when they continue laughing all through the meal.

Sure dance and music, movies and sporting events are moments of self and community renewal - but laughter is so unplanned and unscheduled - yet so necessary,

What's going on in the corridors of the souls of those who don't laugh? We see their strict faces.  We see their closed fists. We see their watch or phone watching. We see their nervous drumming of fingers or skin scratching.


Lighten up.

Bring joy to the world.

Who doesn't smile at St. Teresa of Avila's prayer and hope, "From soul faced saints deliver us O Lord,"

I like Francis de Sales.  I hope what I've been told about him is correct.  I like his advice to "Riposo!"  Also "Con calme" - stay calm!


I like the Jesus picture entitled, "Jesus laughs.

However I'm not used to it - probably because that's not a gospel theme.

Jesus seems to get laughs from crowds - when he busts on the Pharisees.  He seems to be cracking funny comments against them when talking about their hearts being tombstone or how they pursue people like mosquitoes looking for blood.


Wipe that scowl from your face and stop pretending you're living.

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