Tuesday, November 15, 2022

 November 15, 2022




In the movie, My Cousin Vinny, Vinny the Lawyer scores a knockout with a witness,  He then says. "I'm finished with this guy. Next!"

For some reason that scene and that line stays with me.

We meet someone - and upon further examination - we say to ourselves, "I'm finished with this guy. Next!"

It happens in conversations, relationships, dealings, what have you, with each other.

Did Jesus ever wonder about The Rich Young Man who walked away - or the crowd who walked away from him in Chapter Six of John - when he said, "I am the living bread."

People who date each other sometimes say, "Good bye" to each other.

People are fired from their jobs.

People switch doctors.

People switch insurance agents, churches, and barbers.

However, sometimes the opposite happens. People are unable to say, "Good bye."

Another question: "At  times and in some situations are we ethically allowed to say, "Goodbye. I'm finished with you?"

Another question: "Should we say "Goodbye!" in certain circumstances - like abuse?"

Sometimes and in some situations people won't forgive others - when they ought to say - what Jesus said on the cross, "Father forgive them, they don't know what they are doing."

They don't.

Sometimes people put other people in hell - isolating and cutting them off from communion with others.

Solitary confinement - "the Hole" - "the Box" - are horrible places to put others.

I don't believe God ever says, "I'm finished with this gal - or this guy."

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