Sunday, November 13, 2022

 November 13, 2022



There's something about Monday mornings.

I've read a few times that most heart attacks happen on Monday mornings - early - before people are off to work.

If that's true - and - reported heart attacks can be tabulated - it gives a glimpse into Monday mornings.

Tomorrow morning is Monday morning - uh oh.

There's that first Monday morning after a two week vacation with the kids at the beach. We have  to get back into the regular grind of life.

There's that first Monday morning on a new job - what are our thoughts?

Friday afternoons have that "Phew!" in them - as we look forward to the weekend. 

Do Monday mornings have a special sound?

Are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays different?

Sabbath is necessary.

Are there cultures - or were there cultures where folks worked 7 days a week - without vacations - without breaks?

Do or did slave masters - or tyrants know people need a break?

It was Monday morning - March 31, 2008 when I first wrote this.   I had neglected doing any writing into this note book in the weeks that followed.

[Today is November 13, 2022]

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