Thursday, October 20, 2022

 October 20, 2022



I like the phrase, "essential elements".

We all know water is H20 - that is,  water has two essential elements: hydrogen and oxygen.

Well, someone in religious circles began using the term, "essential elements", when talking about religious life.

Religious life in the Catholic Church is the title for the life lived by nuns, sisters, and males in religious orders like the Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans, Passionists,  Redemptorists, etc. etc. etc.

What are the essential elements of religious life - without which one would not be called a "religious".

Is this the first place this term was used other than in science? Was it used in business or academic circles as well?

I don't know.

What are the essential elements for being a Redemptorist?

What are the essential elements of the Mass?

What are the essential elements for being a Christian, a Catholic, a Buddhist, a Moslem, a Mormon, a Jew?

What are the essential elements for Baptism?

What are the essential elements for being a U.S. Citizen?

Do you have your papers?  What documents do you have?

People have to show their passport or driver's license or social security number at times.

In some groups you have to pay your dues - if you want membership.

You have to show up.

What are the essentials for getting a degree, a doctor's diploma, an electrician's license?

This question has many forms - and some have been around for a long time.

What's what around here?

Who's who around here?

Who has the key to the door?

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