Monday, July 18, 2022

July 18, 2022



What is common prayer?

I guess it's praying together.

Is it ever done when and where the community is so one that it forgets itself and becomes one with God?

Gregorian Chant - Taize singing - or Rock Concert - are these moments when the crowd is so one that it is in the image and likeness of God?

Or is the opposite reality the image of God?   When we broken people are trying to pray and our voices are off key - strident - not together - and at varying speeds?

Is it  when people are broken, stubborn, strident that we are God - the God of broken tablets of stone - of broken heart - of God on the cross.

To enjoy eggs the shell is cracked and poured out onto the frying pan - fried eggs or scrambled eggs - or eggs in hot water - and then after the breaking and being burnt - the broken shells and the scramble, they give off the Eucharistic words, "Take and eat!"?

I write this in the crumminess of our common prayer. It's horrendous. I've been here before.

I guess my ego has to be broken, scrambled, burnt.  I guess I need to have my shell removed.

Is Eucharist here too?

Take and eat.

This is my body broken for you - while I want to blame others and say, "This is my body, being broken with you."


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