Sunday, July 17, 2022

 JULY 17, 2022



"Budge" is an interesting word - but what does it really mean?

Not having a dictionary on hand, I'd guess it means "move".

We hear comments like, "You can't budge her." or "He won't budge an inch."

But it has negative overtones or connotations. As in stuck .... As in stubborn .... As  in wrong .... As in being a pain....


But's it's mainly in the context of the other guy or gal - never ourselves.

Well, not never ourselves ....As we think about issues, we have to see things we won't change our opinions on: spitting, criticism of someone's mother in public, lifting the embrgo on some place, capital punishment, etc.

Budge ....

It's a word that has some good connotations in it as well - now that I think about it - so see I can budge. I didn't begin this reflection with any positive thoughts about this word "budge".

So I'll have to write a poem or some short piece using the word "budge" in it. I could bring into a poem or poetic piece words like "bridge" or "bud" or "breakthrough" or "blossom" or maybe even the word "burn".

Oops - even more -  budge can give hints of resurrection - which brings up the question of death.

Who is going to move the stone?

Maybe if I stop throwing stones at those I don't like - or those I think dead - or at those I don't think will budge - maybe they will budge.

Is that the way this works?

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