Wednesday, July 20, 2022

 July 20, 2022



But where can we hide?

Where can we escape?

Where can we put everything down, so we can gather ourselves up?

I like driving alone in a car - no radio on - just quiet - and I find myself seeing things in my life - people. places, situations, unfinished business, neglects, problems, as I drive along.

It's a drive within to drive out my demons - sometimes on my way to visit people - I don't want to visit - worse people - I want to avoid.

It's a chance to sit with God - provided traffic isn't crazy or jammed up.

Quiet churches and chapels are also wonderful places.

Walks - like driving - are also excellent. 

There has to be a saying, "I walked away from my problems and they weren't there when I returned."

Treadmills aren't the same as walking outside - at least for me - so I prefer  good weather - good walking weather.

Plane rides are special - perhaps its especially great to get away from my regular haunts, my regular obligations - perhaps  because of the metaphor of climbing above everything - like on a mountain - and as I look down below - everything looks so small - as from a plane window.

So when people ask me about prayers, I ask them about their hiding places.

We have them.

Jesus had them.

Of course they tracked him down - but in the meanwhile he had some moments and places to hide.


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