Friday, July 15, 2022

 JULY 15, 2022



He kills pronouns when he speaks them.

When he reads, he keeps on putting a heavy emphasis when he speaks HIS pronouns: his, she, they, our, us  ....


We're not born that way.

Everybody doesn't do this.

So why the emphasis on pronouns?

I was wondering if there might be a tape recording around somewhere - say from 35 years ago - when he is speaking? We could check that and listen to him there and listen to his pronouns.

You never know. There he is saying a few words at a wedding or a funeral. Check out his pronouns.

So, has he always been doing this? What about other people way back when?

I don't know.

Can he change?  Should he change? Does he have to change?

Is my way of thinking and assuming how pronouns should be sounding corrrect? Is there a correct way? Is there a standard?

Isn't the beauty of language its varities - accents, regional pronouncements - etc.?

I don't know.

Is all this simply my opinion?

To me he reads like a little child reading at a school ceremony. In fact, I think most kids read better than he reads.

Why does this bother me?

Maybe that question is the question.

Does it bother anyone else?

Is the real issue: my wanting my way - my wanting to control the world? Is it my wanting to play God?

Should I be thinking of everyone who is speaking - saying and praying of and for them, "THY will be done" not "MY willl be done"?

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