Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Conscious, very conscious, sometimes…
when the plane is rushing down the runway –
like a broad jumper: the run, the rush, the jump,
the leap into the sky – and for a second there
wondering, pondering, questioning,
how many in this plane are scared,
how many in this plane are very scared,
how many in this plane are conscious that they
are afraid – of life and death and meaning and time?
Conscious – when someone is holding
a very sharp stainless steel knife and it’s
too big for cutting onions or cucumbers….
Conscious of the surprise smile of a baby when
they see our eyes or face or what do
babies see when they see us? Conscious,
very conscious, when hearing or seeing
those we love getting out of the car –
after being away for three days and three nights –
or they are away for a week – and we see them
coming down the ramp at the airport.
Conscious sometimes in church at a wedding
or a funeral or Christmas Mass or someone with
loud shoes walking down the main aisle and all
are watching her till she red faced slips into a bench.
Conscious of some sunsets in late December
or the whole family together for Thanksgiving Dinner,
but one less than last year – death can make us very
conscious – or conscious when the plane is
about to land – and there is snow surrounding
the runway and it’s been a cold December – and
our seat belt is fastened – but we haven’t landed yet,
conscious, very conscious, but only sometimes.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2010

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