March 28, 2012
Quote for Today
This is an English translation of the the Aria, "Nemico della Patria" an "Enemy of the Country" - which is the name of an opera by the composer Umberto Giordano. It tells the story of Andrea Chanier [1762-1794] - who was executed during the French Revolution. It is sung by Andrew Costello - the famous baritone opera singer. I've been looking on the Internet for people with the same name as I have. This Andrew Costello is the third that I noticed. I saw listed at least 50 more!
An enemy of his country?
An old fable that gladly
the public still swallows.
Born in Constantinople? A foreigner!
Studied at Saint-Cyr? A soldier!
Traitor! Accomplice of Dumouriez!
A poet? Corruptor of hearts
and of traditions!
Once I lived happily
in the realm of hatred and vengeance,
pure, innocent, and strong.
A giant, I believed myself!
I am still a servant...
I've only changed masters...
a slave to violent passions!
Ah, worse! I kill and tremble,
and while I kill, I weep.
I, a son of the Revolution,
first heard its cry
and joined it with my own.
Have I now lost faith
in that dream?
How illumined with glory
was my path!
The conscience of the heart
to reawaken in men;
gathering up the tears
of the oppressed and suffering;
making the world a paradise;
transforming men into gods;
and with a single kiss--
and with a single kiss and embrace,
to love all humanity!
Some questions - [in an attempt to justify this quote - so as to get the singer with my name into the picture.]
What have I swallowed - and realized afterwards - it was bunk?
What life hats have I worn? Baby, child, student, teenager, wife, husband, mom, dad, grandparent, accountant, military, poet?
Was I ever filled with myself - feeling like a giant - till I was humbled? What happened?
Am I still a servant? Do I see life as a chance to serve or to be served? Which is more me?
What have been my dreams?
What have been my paths?
Have I ever been or wanted to be in on a revolution or a cause?
What kind of a conscience do I have? Strict? Lax? Social Justice Oriented? Guilt laden? Scrupulous?
What have I cried over?
Do I see Jesus as the one who can transform us into God - but the road is a strange one: that of self emptying.
Has my love for others expanded to love all humanity - or do I still have my walls and barriers - prejudices and misunderstandings of others.