Monday, October 10, 2022

 October 10, 2022



To see God - another - gold - glass - time - life - a meal - in a new way - a new vision - a new view - wow - amazing - making tomorrow - different from today.

Transfiguration - I never thought of that before.

I never heard you speak or see or hear or sing - like this before.


I never knew this mountain was here.

I never knew I could climb into this new view - but Christ you took me into this new view - a new scene - a new plateau.

Would I've able to understand the metaphor if I hadn't climbed the reality - having climbed a real mountain.

So thank you God for my younger days - days I climbed mountains in New Hampshire and Colorado with friends.

Jesus must have done what I have done - getting away - escaping - with friends - getting away from it all.

Go figure.

Do we have to go somewhere else - before we can figure out the right here - right now?


I like both parts of that word - the "trans" and the "figuring".

When was the last time I saw Jesus in a new light?

Go figure.

When was my last transfiguration moment?

Go figure

When was the last time I saw myself - and my life - and all life -  in a new light?

Go figure.

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