Saturday, October 29, 2022

October  20,, 2022



Rigid is good in armaments, fortresses, walls, tanks, shields and shore lines.

Flexibility is better.  At least that's my position.  I better not be too rigid about that - otherwise I'm contradicting myself.

Bendability - that's another word and characteristic to consider.

When talking about seminarians or priests or politicians or journalists who might be conservative,  I found myself searching for language. The word conservative is not the right word.  There must be a better word to use.

I am looking for a word that touches on some of the negatives that I want to avoid. The only word I came up with so far is the word "rigid".

That word doesn't sound right - so I have to keep looking - for the word that describes what I'm looking for.

Rigid, frigid, cold, iron jawed, all mind. steel, immovable, unable to compromise ....

In other words, I like it when there is more allowance for variety,  differing opinions, colors rainbows like creation.

The sky is different every evening.

No two snowflakes are alike.

Imagine if every woman at the wedding had the same dress.

The team all had the same uniform.  So too the army and the altar servers.

The religious order had everyone in the same outfit.

Wat's with this - when everyone has the same face - and it isn't smiling.

Sometimes those in the same group - but with different outfits - wear a pin or an emblem - to show that these folks are all the same group.

Smile.  You're different.

Glory in it.

Okay, the Rockettes are dressed alike - wearing the same outfit - but are dancing in the same pattern and the whole audience is clapping for their uniformity.

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