Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 October 25, 2022



Rain - needed, necessary, noticed.

Rain - a nuisance but prayed for when it is not falling - and the fields are turning brown and green is what we want.

Rain - keeping the windshield wiper makers in business.

Rain - too much when our roofs leak and floods fill our downtown areas and our basements with an inch of water.

Rain - too much when people spend too much time in the basement of their minds - feeling deep blue damp feelings - dwelling too much on the  past - on mistakes - disasters - sins.

Rain - too much - especially when our homes and our buildings are screaming to the skies - "Enough!"

Rain - enjoyable to walk in and dance in - when it's summer and we're in love.

Rain - what they wish would happen on other planets.

Rain - without it, we would not be here.

Rain - sinking down to our roots - into our earth - helping trees, flowers, wheat and weeds to grow.

Rain - the soft constant rain of Ireland - keeping it green - and giving Irish comedians somethin to make jokes about.

Rain - if the ocean/ earth/ lakes are 75% water - expect rain.

Rain - giving weather forecasters something to report about  - and pessimists something to complain about.

Rain - something we have a love-hate relationship with - but something that better be around for a long, long time.

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