Sunday, October 2, 2022

 October 2, 2022



It's July.

It's hot.

The air conditioners are on - everywhere.

Electric bills will be higher now that Maryland has stopped the so-called electrical or energy price controls.

There could also be a breakdown on the a grid brown-out or even a blackout.

Then we have to go outside.

It's July.

It's hot.

I don't like July or January - August of February - at least in Maryland.

I do like seasons - appreciating warm days in winter and cool days in summer.

Do people use their money to live in cool spots in summer - and warm spots in winter? Yes!

I've lived in Tobyhanna - in the Poconos - and it had tough winters and great summers.

I now live in a humid area - near the Chesapeake Bay.

Real estate prices tell us what land is considered valuable and what land isn't.

Where I am living now is valuable property: Annapolis, Maryland.

Jesus why didn't you come to us as a Navaho or an Eskimo or South American Native American?

People don't seem to know you as is.

God's People don't know you as is.

Yet, God, you are here, in this place - with every people - and Jesus - you are Navaho, Eskimo, Guarani and Brooklynese - and we don't either know you - or we kill you.

In the meanwhile - where you are - when you are - turn the air conditioner on or put another log in the fire.

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