Saturday, July 7, 2012


Quote for Today   July 7,  2012

"Every American is a bouquet of special interests.  Some just smell better to particular noses."

A.M. Rosenthal, "On My Mind," The New York Times, December 15, 1992


Do you agree with the comment by A. M. Rosenthal?

If someone asked you to list your special interests, would you, could you?

Is the term "special interests" a button for you?

Is the mention of The New York Times, a button for you?

One of my special interests is: "I can't wait till November 7th, 2012. It will be an end of the political wrangling for a while. I hope? How about you?

Would it be of special interests to some talk shows that the persons they want elected, not get elected, so they will have an opposition to keep them in business?

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