Tuesday, November 15, 2022




Once upon a time there was a short guy named Tommy.  He tried to get into the Army, but he wasn’t accepted, He was too short.  He tried the Navy, no luck as well. Likewise the Air Force and the Coast Guard. Nope.


All through grammar school and high school the Military Service was his hope. It was his dream.  No luck. Tough – especially because he was picked on all through his grammar school and high school days for being so short. Too short – too picked on – too often.


What to do with his life? He didn’t know.


One hot summer day – sitting on a bus in Cincinnati, Ohio – 22 years of age – it hit him – what he was to do with his life.  He looked at the left hand of the person sitting  right next to him on that bus. The guy had this really neat tattoo – on his left hand. It was of a blue bird – a beautiful blue bird.


“Wow,”  Tommy said to the guy next to him. “That’s a neat tattoo.”


The guy – his name was Albert – said, “Thanks!” Then Albert added another “Thanks” and said, “Sometimes people make nasty comments about my bird tattoo – but I like it. Glad you do, too. Thanks again.”


Tommy thought about that moment – and it led to the rest of his life. He did the research and found a Tattoo School in New Orleans – one of the best in the United States. In  6 months he was an apprentice – and in two years he had his own place. He chose Chicago – lots of people – lots of people who had a high percentage of tattoos.

And in 10 years he became one of best tattoo artists in the United States tattoo world  -  doing all kinds of tattoos.


Tommy – because he was short – also came up with a unique tattoo – and this is how he really became famous. Little People – especially Little People - from all over the United States  flew to Chicago to get his special tattoo.  They saw it mentioned in Tattoo Magazines. I bet you didn’t know there are 2 main tattoo mags. There are also 4 Little People’s Magazines


The tattoo – you’re not going to believe this – I didn’t think it was true at first either – but this special tattoo was mostly words – and a tiny tree with a tiny blue bird - and you’re also not going to believe where people got this tattoo – or only where Tommy would tattoo it: on the bottom of a person’s left foot big toe. He picked the left foot because he got his idea of becoming a tattoo artist having met Albert on that Cincinnati bus – with his tattoo of a blue bird on his left hand.


The words he would tattoo on the bottom of big toes were words he came up with from his favorite character in the Bible – Zacchaeus – the patron saint of small people. The words were: “Remember Zacchaeus – shorter – smarter – than all the rest. He climbed a tree and he saw Jesus best.”


In the magazine articles about Tommy - people read about Tommy’s instructions to the short people who came to get this tattoo.   Whenever someone starts making fun or making comments about your smallness, sit them down. Take off your left sock and your left shoe and tell them to read what they see on the bottom of your left big toe.”


Then say, “Luke 19:1-10”. Then Tommy added: “Guarantee:  they’ll never forget what they saw and they’ll never pick on short people again.”

 November 15, 2022




In the movie, My Cousin Vinny, Vinny the Lawyer scores a knockout with a witness,  He then says. "I'm finished with this guy. Next!"

For some reason that scene and that line stays with me.

We meet someone - and upon further examination - we say to ourselves, "I'm finished with this guy. Next!"

It happens in conversations, relationships, dealings, what have you, with each other.

Did Jesus ever wonder about The Rich Young Man who walked away - or the crowd who walked away from him in Chapter Six of John - when he said, "I am the living bread."

People who date each other sometimes say, "Good bye" to each other.

People are fired from their jobs.

People switch doctors.

People switch insurance agents, churches, and barbers.

However, sometimes the opposite happens. People are unable to say, "Good bye."

Another question: "At  times and in some situations are we ethically allowed to say, "Goodbye. I'm finished with you?"

Another question: "Should we say "Goodbye!" in certain circumstances - like abuse?"

Sometimes and in some situations people won't forgive others - when they ought to say - what Jesus said on the cross, "Father forgive them, they don't know what they are doing."

They don't.

Sometimes people put other people in hell - isolating and cutting them off from communion with others.

Solitary confinement - "the Hole" - "the Box" - are horrible places to put others.

I don't believe God ever says, "I'm finished with this gal - or this guy."

November 15, 2022

Thought for Today

"Metrical poetry is ultimately allied to song, and I like the connection.  Free verse is ultimately allied to conversation, and I like that connection too.  Not too many people can mix the two."


Thomas Gunn,

The Paris Review,

Summer 1995 

Monday, November 14, 2022

 November 14,  2022



Two nights ago I was channel hoping on our TV.

I caught a movie called, "Liam."

Never heard of it - nor did I recognize any of the actors in it.

It looked like it was taking place in Northern England in the 1930's.  I'm not sure about that.  I'll have to look it up on Google.

Mass has the priest's back to the people.  Communion is received on the tongue at the altar rail.

Liam is a little boy moving towards his First Communion. This meant: also moving towards his First Confession.

He and some boys are looking at a big heavy enormous art book.  It's kept on a shelf in their classrooms. They spot a painting of two naked women.

Recently he had seen his mom naked by accident. 

The little boy was discovering differences.

The boys teacher - the girls were kept in another room - spots the commotion by the boys with the art book.  

She brings in Father Ryan - a fierce force - to read the riot act to the boys. They have seen him in action - in the pulpit - a roaring fire of words.

Should I try to get this movie and how it on a priests' retreat?

 November 14, 2022

Thought for Today

"The poet has a peculiar duty: he has to create other poets.  We cannot let talent die without waking."

James Liddy,

Studies 85, no, 340

P.S. Write that poem. 

Write that book.

Get me off the hook!

Sunday, November 13, 2022

 November 13, 2022



There's something about Monday mornings.

I've read a few times that most heart attacks happen on Monday mornings - early - before people are off to work.

If that's true - and - reported heart attacks can be tabulated - it gives a glimpse into Monday mornings.

Tomorrow morning is Monday morning - uh oh.

There's that first Monday morning after a two week vacation with the kids at the beach. We have  to get back into the regular grind of life.

There's that first Monday morning on a new job - what are our thoughts?

Friday afternoons have that "Phew!" in them - as we look forward to the weekend. 

Do Monday mornings have a special sound?

Are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays different?

Sabbath is necessary.

Are there cultures - or were there cultures where folks worked 7 days a week - without vacations - without breaks?

Do or did slave masters - or tyrants know people need a break?

It was Monday morning - March 31, 2008 when I first wrote this.   I had neglected doing any writing into this note book in the weeks that followed.

[Today is November 13, 2022]

 November 13, 2022

Thought for Today

"By day poets masquerade as mere mortals: insurance clerks, teachers, librarians.  But by night they prowl like panthers, seizing words on the run and crunching raw emotion."


The Times, September 4, 2006