Friday, May 27, 2016

May 27, 2016


You meet me 
and ask, "How are you?"

I don't know at times....

And you? How are you today?

I come as is….

Good move because
when I try to be 
or less 
or different than I am …. 
Well, then - 
you’re not really being
with who I am ….

Me?  I’m just this me who I am. 

Wait a second I’m talking gibberish. 

Let me try to explain. 

Okay. This is me - 
the normal me
and the sort of out of sorts me - 
at times.

And some days I am unable to
to explain who I am that day.

Tomorrow, let me try again 
and then there is always next week?

Okay?  See you then.

Wait, if you ask me,
these comments seem
kind of strange or stupid -
or at least confusing - 
but then again - 
what are you really asking me?

Do you know? Do I know?

Sometimes I just don't know.

How about you?

                                                                   © Andy Costello, Reflections 2016


The title of my homily for this 8th Friday in Ordinary Time is, “The Empty Fig Tree.”

We all know the story of the Fig Tree in the gospels.

It’s not producing.

In Matthew and Mark Jesus curses the fig tree, because he wanted some figs and there aren’t any.  The tree dies. The next day Jesus’ disciples see the withered, the cursed fig tree, and remember Jesus reaction to it.

In Luke, the story changes. Did some preacher find the Matthew and Mark version of the story too tough?  Luke gives the tree a second chance. Luke gives the fig tree another year to prove itself. Matthew and Mark don’t.

Which one is Jesus? Do we have a second chance when we are not producing or are we fired?


We’ve all had the experience of opening the refrigerator door and there is nothing inside. It’s empty. Uuuuuh!

Remember the old telephone booths - before cell phones. Someone goes to a phone and it’s broken. It has no dial tone. Or the wires have been cut.

Empty. Broken. Useless. Disappointed.


Today’s gospel  has the message of Mark. It’s tough stuff. It’s filled with tough love.

No figs - no use letting it take up the ground - no use letting it just taking up space - just being an empty suit.  How’s that for a mixed metaphor.

The message might be the same as Jeremiah’s - in his oracle  in Chapters 7 and 8. He finds the temple empty - he finds people treating others unfairly - he finds people exploiting the stranger - the orphans and the widows. He finds false worship.

In Jeremiah 8: 13, we read, “Those who do not find the Lord, ‘There shall be no grapes on the vine, nor figs on the fig tree, and the leaf shall fade.’” 

Here in Mark 11 - we find the same scene. Jesus enters the temple of Jerusalem and doesn’t like what he sees. The next day he spots the empty fig tree and curses it. Then he goes to the temple and cleans house - overturning tables and yelling at those who were selling doves.

He proclaims what was written, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. But you have made it a den of thieves.”

At this the chief priests and the scribes wanted to come up with a way to kill Jesus.


The messages in today’s gospel - as well as today’s first reading from 1st Peter 4: 7-13 - which I hardly mentioned - are obvious - especially the image and he issue of being an empty or shallow soul.

In that first reading we heard, “Whoever preaches, let it be with the words of God.” Some priests - some preachers - apply the image of being an empty fig tree or  temple or empty vestments -  without the presence of God - to themselves. I know I do. I wonder, I ask myself, if my sermons are hot air, popcorn, lacking substance, not having any fruit or nourishment.

When I heard the statement in today’s first reading, “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” I heard the gospel text, “Give an accounting of your stewardship” - your figtreeness - your templeness.

Some Christian churches don’t allow any fund raisers at its doors.

Hopefully all Christians will apply these words in Mark, Matthew, Luke and Jeremiah about the fig tree and the temple to themselves as human. beings. Hopefully, we all go inwards and look at ourselves as a tree or as the temple of God - and ask if I’m empty or full.

What’s going on within?  Is there any fruit on my tree?

Can God say of us - what Elizabeth said of Mary, “Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.”

Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 26, 2016


Romans 7: 14 - 25

Why do cords and cables, wires
and rosaries get tangled up - every
time. Mind you: every time.  Ugh.
And every time I reach for the right
cable or cord to re-charge a gadget,
I have to untangle the wires? Why?
My rosary too. Do they do it on purpose
while in my travel bag or catch-all box?

Answer?  I don’t know, but it happens.
It happens every time. I guess it’s life.
I guess I get sloppy. I get entangled
while looking for something else in my 
bag or box and then when I want my 
rosary or I  need the cable for the recharger, 
I discover once more I entangled myself
with myself. Why do I do this all the time?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016



Congratulations to our graduates - but also to parents, guardians, step-parents, grandparents, teachers, administration, coaches - everyone that got you to this moment.

The title of my homily - better the title of my sermon - is, “3”.

I was thinking while I was with the juniors - on their retreat - this week - as they are about to take your place - what I would say to you today - in this opportunity to say some parting words from this pulpit.

There are 3 readings for this Mass. They have 3 messages: Jeremiah told us through Teresa, “The Lord says I have plans for you.” Paul told us through Patrick: "The Lord is our strength.” Jesus tells us through the gospel of Matthew: "You are the salt of the earth - you are the light of the world": be that.


Okay, now what?

I continued to jot down 3’s:  3 quotes, 3 this, 3 that, and it hit me to give you a couple more  3’s. So the title of my sermon is, “3”.

Doctor Michael Clemmens  - our commencement address speaker today, will give you some clearer and well defined goals - hopes - dreams - challenges. Anne Heyburn will do as well in her Valedictory Talk.

So I decided to I simply pitch 3 poems I wrote for today - with the theme of graduation in mind. They will be what I call, "Story Poems."

Then I want to give 3 prayers - 3 short prayers - to keep in mind for each day as well as for life.

And I'm going to suggest - as I like to - to use your rosary for these short prayers. Each is just a one short word prayer - so it takes just a minute to say the rosary with each or any of these 3 prayers. I like to say that rosaries are not just for Hail Mary’s. These will excellent Hail Mary passes as you’ll see when I get to them - after my 3 poems.

Then I’ll give 3 wisdom statements.

I hope....

That’s all. That's it:  3 Poems, 3 prayers and 3 wisdom statements.



First story poem. This poem is entitled, “Graduation from Clumsy.” I wrote this last Sunday and put it on my blog, because a lot of people are graduating at this time.


Yes, he tripped a bit more than
other kids - he spilled his milk -
dropped his books - and he didn’t
do too well when playing catch 
with his dad in the backyard.

But, if his dad was disappointed,
he didn’t show it, so his son
didn’t know it - that is, till he got
into school - and that’s where he
got the nickname: “Clumsy!”

Yes, he hated it. He hated being
called, “Clumsy!” and it followed
him all through ES, MS and HS.
Bummer. Bummer. Bummer!
Who’d like to be called, “Clumsy”?

So when he graduated - no, he didn’t
trip on his way up to receive his HS
diploma - but yes, he chose a small,
small college, far, far away - with hopes
nobody would know him - as “Clumsy”!  


Second story poem....

This one is called: "The ABC Student."


She got A’s, B’s, and C’s -
all depending on a lot of things:
cold weather indoors, warm weather
outdoors, time, gifts and skill sets -
teachers - no she didn’t tend to blame 
teachers nor did she tend to say, 
“It’s not fair!”  if and when she got a C.

Should we add to her letters that she gets 
an “S” for struggle and  a “J” for jobs. 

Her mom was a single mom - 
and to help her mom with the bills - 
she had to have a job - in fact,  
several jobs - weekends and 
three weeknights  - babysitting ….
but she got it done -
she was graduating - finally and happily.

Her mom pinched herself sitting
there here and now at her daughter’s
graduation from high school.

She pinched herself again because
it was this same year her daughter
convinced her to get her high school
GED - and that evening they would
both be celebrating their HS graduation.

And her daughter thinks she got her
mom the funniest graduation card and
her mom thinks she got her daughter
the funniest graduation card - but 
what both don’t and won't know 
till tonight: it’s the same card.


The third poem is entitled: "Overheard at Their 25th High School Graduation: 2041"


“She married him.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I kid you not.”
“They had triplets and then twins.”
“Now,  I know you’re kidding.”
“Nope, I’m not.  Check it out.”

“I’ve been asking around the hall.
We have 2 novelists, 11 teachers,
4 accountants, 23 engineers,
no veterinarians, a neurosurgeon,
a newspaper reporter, a major
league lacrosse TV announcer,
a Protestant Minister, a priest....
You heard so and so became a priest?


“You’re kidding. The class atheist 
became a priest. I gotta tell my priest that.”

“By the way, who’s that over there
with the big belly and no hair?”

“That’s so and so.... What’s his name again?
He was the best athlete in our class?"

"You’re kidding."

"Hey, who’s the pastor here at St. Mary’s?"

“It’s Father Tizio. They made him Pastor for life.”

"And the dog? That’s not Wilbur, is it?”

No, no, no. That’s Metsi, he's Wilbur’s replacement?

"In a wheelchair? A dog in a wheelchair."

"Hey,  it’s 2041 you know.



Here at my three prayers:

Help…. Sorry …. Thanks.

Learn to say each of them each day - and to God as well as to ourselves - each night. 

They are profound words …,
They are important words …. 
And some people find them 
difficult words to say,
difficult words to pray.

In fact, if you can't say them,
sorry to tell you, you need help.

And once you realize that you'll
thank me or anyone who tells you.

Help…. Sorry  …. Thanks.

In fact, the more you say those 3 words,
and the more you mean what you're
saying when you say those 3 words, 
the more you'll be a well put together
person. You'll be better with God, self and others.

A rosary helps as a reminder.

A rosary of “Help’s” takes a minute, 
so too, “Sorry”, so too “Thanks”.

Try it!


# 1 Don’t forget who fed you: your mom, your dad, teachers, writers, poets, song writers, and that Salvadoran chef in the kitchen behind closed doors who is working his butt off - to give you a good meal - and to make money to feed his family.

# 2 It’s not all about you. Okay it is today. It’s your graduation. But the day after that, it's not about you.

# 3  There are time limits when it comes to how many heart beats we have. We can eat smart and exercise to have a stronger heart - but our heart only has so many heart beats, so use them well.



Thank you…. Congratulations!

The Lord has plans for you.

The Lord is your strength.

The Lord calls you to be salt and light for our world. Amen. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 25, 2016


Slipped…. It slipped out of my hand.
“Oops!” It fell.  It slid down the
white porcelain ski slope of the sink -  
down into the drain - down into the 
hole at the bottom of the sink -
before I could catch it. Lost forever.

It used to be the tooth paste cap - that
I would drop or it would slip. Now that
I’m taking pills, lots of  pills - taken with
water, at the sink - it’s these tiny little
pills that have become less and less
manageable for a 76 year old hand.

Aging - time flowing down the drain - too
many friends have slipped away, and lately - unfortunately - too many hurtful comments 
are slipping out of my mouth - before I can 
catch them. “Ooops!” -  I’m slipping. I don't want to become a bitter pill in my old age.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Monday, May 23, 2016

May 24, 2016


          give me the grace
          and give me the gift to be able:

          to see and to hear both sides
                    of an argument,
          to know when to give another space
                    and when to intervene,
                    to step back or to step in,
                    to speak or to listen,
                    to know which one is best
                    for any given situation,
          to know when to let go
                    and when to hang on,
          to be stubborn as a bulldog
                    or to run away like a deer,
          to work hard and then to know
                    when it’s time to play
                    and when it’s time to rest,
          to know when to serve
                    and when to be served,
          to know when to mix
                    and when to be alone,
          to know when to be like rock
                    and when to be like water,
           knowing that you are with me
          and with all others,
          this day and every day,
          all the days of our life. Amen.

                                © Andy Costello, Markings  
[Photo - Rocks and Water 
at the Naval Academy, 
Annapolis, Maryland] 
Mary 23, 2016

          you bend down to earth
          and form and scrape and sculpt us
          out of clay of earth. 
          You say, “We are good!”
          And then you look at us again
          and on second thought,
          you make us more.
          You laugh as you breathe
          your Holy Spirit into us,
          the gift of life and love. 
          And then like a child
          you puff us off out into the world, saying,
          “Increase and multiply and fill the earth.”

          bend down to earth
          over and over again. 
          Form and scrape and sculpt us
          till we are good once again,
          till we are better once again. 
          Breathe your Spirit into us
          and then like children,
          help us to puff out your Spirit,
          a Spirit of life and love,
          the Spirit of Jesus,
          that will increase and multiply
         and fill the earth