Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 26, 2016


Romans 7: 14 - 25

Why do cords and cables, wires
and rosaries get tangled up - every
time. Mind you: every time.  Ugh.
And every time I reach for the right
cable or cord to re-charge a gadget,
I have to untangle the wires? Why?
My rosary too. Do they do it on purpose
while in my travel bag or catch-all box?

Answer?  I don’t know, but it happens.
It happens every time. I guess it’s life.
I guess I get sloppy. I get entangled
while looking for something else in my 
bag or box and then when I want my 
rosary or I  need the cable for the recharger, 
I discover once more I entangled myself
with myself. Why do I do this all the time?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

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