Sunday, September 4, 2022

 September 4, 2022



"What about me?"

"What about my needs?"

"What about my hungers? And thirsts? And desires?"




"Oh oh!"

Human cries.

Listen to the human cries.

Turn on the TV - open up the newspaper. You'll see, you'll hear, you'll notice some kind of protest somewhere around the world.

Catholic Social Teachings are wordy documents. Yet they are asking folks, "What about babies? The poor? The worker? The married? The people on the edge, the margin? The migrantss? The ones being shot at or terrorized?"

I look at the statue called, "The Thinker." Is he silent? Is he about to go back to sleep? Or is he screaming about his stupidity for the right to life? Or about the night before? Is he shouting? Is he shoulding on himself?

I cry.

I scream.

I am scared.

I am nervous.

I'm tired.

I'm overwhelmed.

I need to escape.

I need to stop and sort out my life.

I scream.

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