Saturday, September 10, 2022

September 10, 2022



Cold creeps - coming into an area - and one's toes feel it first - and continue to feel it.

Cold is quiet - invasive- pervasive - and doesn't just stick to hand surfaces. It penetrates hard surfaces - like green metal fences and black iron banisters.

Cold is hard - like ice  - freezing water, ponds, puddles, lakes. It freezes, thaws, re-freezes, cracking and crumbling rocks in its story.

Cold is the heart after another dumps us.

Cold is the mind after another gyps us or lies to us - or uses us.

The killer is described as cold hearted  - also the tax collector - as well as the church says "No!" to the beggar.

The judge, the principal, the truant officer, has to stay cool, neutral, like Jack Webb in Dragnet.  "Just the facts, mam. Just the facts."

Cold is a pause, a stepping back, a calming down - being cautious, stepping back from a situation to consider cause, concessions, compromise, calculating all comers, corners in a situation.

Cold turkey is stopping drinking or smoking or drugs, on the spot, not a slow stopping or turning off from...

To have a cold is to avoid contact with others - till one is better.

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