Thursday, September 8, 2022

 September 8, 2022



After an argument there is clarity.

After an argument, hopefully, there is also charity - but here I'm talking about clarity.

How many times have we figured out what we should have said - or not said - but we're on our way home - after the argument.

If we are going to see the person or persons we were arguing with again - or if we are in the same home - bedroom - family table - workplace - club - as us - then we can say, "Oh I was thinking about the fight we had the other night, and it hit me afterwards, "I was wrong!" or "What I was trying to say was ...." or "My button was pushed and I apologize for losing it' or "I never did listen to your point."

After the argument there is clarity.

The fog lifts after the battle.

There is such a thing as Monday morning quarter-backing"

If - is a powerful concept.

Second thoughts are often better thoughts.

Yesterday, some ladies were pushing for doing more Divine Mercy stuff. It's not my cup of tea. They were pushing for the Divine Mercy rosary.  They were complaining that some churches didn't have statues. Some churches did not have the tabernacle behind the altar. Some people were not praying. Complaints. Complaints. Complaints.

Should I respond or remain quiet.

I blew it. I said something.

But on the way home I saw that I should have shut up.

It was then that I saw what I could have or should have said.

After the argument comes clarity.

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