Sunday, August 21, 2022

 August 21, 2022



Years ago before power point presentations -  before slide projectors - speakers use to hold up a big white card or a piece of paper - with a black ink dot on it - usually on the lower right hand corner.

They would ask the audience or congregation what they saw. Hands would go up. People would yell out, "The black dot!"

And the speaker - unless people had seen this exercise before - would point out, "Everyone sees the black spot - the black dot - but nobody says they see the white card or white paper."

We spot the spaghetti sauce on the white shirt or blouse. We see the dent in the car. We see the pimple on the chin. We saw Gorbachev's reddish birthmark on his forehead.

If you don't like someone, a burp or a hiccup is louder than their speech.

If you run for office, expect your opponents to buy shovels or hire detectives to find your dirt.

There is another surprise in all this. We spot the spots in ourselves more than others spots them in us.

The parent looks at the report card. They make no comments about the 4 A's - but  they want to know about the C or D.

We are still the worst. We spot our life spots for life - mistakes we made in the 7th grade - mistakes we remember for life.

The field goal kicker remembers the field goal he missed 5 seasons ago - with no thought of the 73 field goals he made in his long career.

Ooops! Moderns are making comments about today's kids - that they are getting trophies for coming in 6th - that maybe this will hurt them - when they try for a job and they don't get it or their boy friend of girl friend dumps them.

In the meanwhile, Spot - our little white dog - walks into the room - and all he wants is a treat. "Woof! Woof!"

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