Thursday, August 18, 2022

August 18, 2022




We've all sat at meetings - we've all been in discussions - and we've listened to what others have had to say.

It happens one out of ten times when someone looks at us and says, "Do you have anything you want to say?"

If people have been drinking  - or if egos are running around the room - saying, "Hey look at me!" - then the odds are 100 to 1 that I'll be asked that question.

Sometimes we have nothing to say. We're not sure about an issue - or we need to talk to someone else about that issue.

Or we need to do a lot more listening.

Or we have to figure out the most important questions - especially ones that are not being asked.

Or we don't care.

If  we do care and we have ideas, sometimes we do speak up - or off to the side after the meeting.

And sometimes we don't speak up until someone asks.

I am often surprised to be the recipient of ideas from someone about what was going on - but afterwards.

I say to myself, "Why didn't they bring that up?" or "Oh my God they see the big picture - the whole story - and the rest of us were just scattered - talking in ten different directions at once."

I do get a lift when someone asks me, "What do you think?"

If they just ask, it's good for my ego - even if I say, "No. I'm still thinking abut all this."

It jars or jams my morale when I am not asked - especially if it would have been nice if I was.

So I wonder if  round table are better than rectangular tables.

Are small groups better than one big  group.

Are group circles better than question and answer periods in long big halls. 

Is it better to go for a walk with someone after a meeting - or to chat with someone at a coffee break? 

Is it better to meet and mix with strangers than those we always talk with? Are three's better than two's?

Is it not too smart to always be just with myself all my life?


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