Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October 1, 2019


If I hesitate when someone is labeled “sacred” -
how much more would I pause when some
particular person might be  called “sacrosanct”? 

Oooh! Why would we do that to someone or
even something - labeling or describing them
as “sacred” or “a sacrament” or “sacrosanct”?

We canonize people after they die - and that’s
a long process - and books about saints now
list moments like doubts, struggles, and fears.

Better would it be to see and to treat everyone
and everything as good as the God of Genesis
describes all that He has created. We are good.

Moreover, the second meaning of “sacrosanct” 
is a sort of put down - a saccharin - sugar coated
holiness - different than when Christ walked with us.

Being good, being sacred, becoming a saint
has to do with being a servant, a savior, a person
who shows us the image and likeness of God.

So two bottom lines when it comes to being sacred
would be: we are good - called to be the gift we
are; and we are called to growth towards wholeness.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

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