Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Be aware!  The  video  cameras are on and they are watching.

The Lord God gave us the following orders: “You can eat from any of the trees from the garden,   except the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.”

And Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

Be aware! The video cameras are on and they are watching.

Every once and a while video cameras catch people cheating, sneaking, taking what doesn’t belong to them.

And we laugh - as long as it isn’t us.

Over in the high school  - in the corridor - someone spotted a small gift from a dog. The spotters said, “Hey we just got new video cameras. Let’s check out whose dog did this.”

They watched - and sure enough - it was Pepi - one of the priest’s dog. Someone stopped to start talking - and Pepi - used to moment to drop a gift to the main corridor.

Be aware!  The video cameras are on and they are watching.

[Short reflection for today, February 13, 2019, the 5th Wednesday in Ordinary Time.]

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