Saturday, November 10, 2018

Nov. 10, 2018


Every day is someone’s birthday -
like today is Martin Luther and
Brad Best’s wife’s birthday.

Every day is someone’s deathday,
like Celestine IV - a  Pope for 16 days
in 1241 and Leonid Brezhnev in 1982.

Every day is a big anniversary,
like the U.S. Marine’s started today
in 1775  in Tun Tavern in Philadelphia.

Every day is a day to remember
like today the SS Edmund Fitzgerald
sank in Lake Superior, November 10, 1975

Every day has interesting facts
like today in 1958 Harry Winston donated
the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian.

Every day has beginnings like Sesame
Street in 1969 and Bill Gates introduced
Windows 1.0  today, in 1983.

Every day has Good News that 
started that day - like November 10, 1989 -
the Berlin Wall  started to be torn down.

Every November 10 is just one day
but lots of things will be happening today
like every other day of  the year. Amen.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018

SS Edmund Fitzgerald was an American Great Lakes freighter that sank in a  Lake Superior storm on November 10, 1975, with the loss of the entire crew of 29. When launched on June 7, 1958, she was the largest ship on North America's Great Lakes, and she remains the largest to have sunk there.

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