Tuesday, February 14, 2017

February 14, 2017


Is Mathematics me?

There is only one of me - but it took two to make
me. Thank you mom and dad. Thanks God.

It’s not good to be alone - as God said, and as
the song went, “One is the loneliest number.”

It takes two to tangle and tango.

It takes one to write the book,
but it takes two to make War and Peace.

It takes millions to keep this going,
so we better get our math straight.

Long division can cause long silences.
So too when we subtract people who are
different from us from our lives. We need
the addition and multiplication of others
as we head for the common table - 
the common altar of sacrifice - where
we all need to sit and eat - listen to
each other and wash each other's feet.

It’s not the size of the crowd,
unless those things bother us.

Jesus said the secret is,
“Make numbero uno last.”

Is Mathematics me?

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

1 comment:

Mary Joan said...

Great thoughts/poem .

I especially like .... " takes one to write a book , takes two to War and Peace "

You truly have a way with words ! Happy Valentines Day