Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28, 2015


There are so many things just sitting there -
right before our eyes - making life so interesting.
Take the crawl of a caterpillar: does she know
where she’s headed? How about the stem
of a pumpkin. That’s cut off and tossed, right?
Then there’s the sweet lick of types of yogurt on a cold silver spoon. I also like to see a kid 
stopping and then stepping back to hold the door
for someone 50 years older than they are - especially some guy with a face that looks 
like it hasn’t smiled in 27 years. Come on guy, smile. Thank the kid. Wow! He did it. He thanked him.
Nice going old guy. Nice going young guy.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015

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