Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015


Who said old age doesn’t
have its chronic hurting?
Yet, we can certainly smile.
We can certainly be sweet.
We can spend our last days
in beauty - instead of walking
around griping growls about
our arthritis and slowness of
step - our loses - especially
when we start losing our
leaves, when we become
more and more separated
from our family tree - as we
sit near doors in that must
scent of nursing homes,
waiting, waiting, waiting,
hopefully becoming like 
so many beautiful autumn
leaves who will be falling to
the ground - one by one -
one of these days. 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015

1 comment:

Mary Joan said...

WOW , thoughts of the "autumn" of our lives !

Makes us realize the winter isn't too far behind .

Enjoy the beautiful autumn leaves .