Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 4, 2015


Sat there on the back porch -
in the shade. Thank God
for a slight morning cool.
Eyed the massive grey elm
tree. It wasn’t moving.
It was like some people -
I know - the strong sturdy 
silent types - older of course.
Then my eyes moved
around to see the green
airport of my backyard -
birds taking off and landing
- darting here and there -
to the bird feeder - to the
bird bath - to several small
bushes - shaking their leaves-
like kids in the running -
dashing of their youth.
Ooops. Me? Sometimes
I don’t know where I am -
that is till I sit here with
a cup or morning coffee
and sip some of my life
and some of my day ahead.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2015

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