Saturday, July 25, 2015



The title of my homily for this Feast of St. James is, “Simplicty and Service”.

Today’s two readings for the feast of St. James have great simplicity. They also have truth and depth.

They give us two thoughts for the day.


Today’s first reading from 2 Corinthians 4: 7-15 has the famous “earthen vessel” text.

When it comes down to it, we are simply earthen vessels.

We’re like a flower pot. Better: We’re like a coffee mug. Once we were brand new, but after many washes and many uses, we get chipped and worn out. Some of us break early and some of us last a long time.

Doesn’t that sound so pessimistic? Yes!

But no! Because Paul adds, because of Jesus, there is risen life - resurrection, hope, a future beyond our death - when we will all celebrate newness of life.


Today’s gospel has as simple and as clear a message, but it too is a message that is filled with truth and depth.

Our purpose for existence is to serve, not to be served.

The mother of James and John wanted her boys to be the big shots.

Nope, says Jesus. What it’s all about is service.

Life is not to be one of those fine fancy cups kept behind glass -- special -- to be “Wows!” No life is like being a coffee mug, to be used every day -- in service.

In today’s gospel, Jesus says, “Can you drink this cup?” And they say “Yes”. He says “You will!”

Can I get you a cup of coffee?

Can I serve you?



Two simple thoughts for the day.

To be simple and to serve....

Two simple thoughts to think on while you sip a cup of coffee or tea.


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