Thursday, July 23, 2015

July 23, 2015


Some mornings, some moments,
are drenched in mystery - after a
long rainy night - after the razor
blade of hurt or after the gray of
uncertainty. Death doesn't have
to wipe us out. The relationship 
isn’t over, but then again it might be. 
So life calls me to listen, to talk, 
to ask, to pray, to decide to do 
something, to forgive, to reconcile, 
to let go, and then to get moving again -
ahead - into the slight clearing ahead.
Night doesn't have to be the everyday
feeling that it is for some people. I can
wake up to morning. I can get moving. Sometimes the path is straight.
Sometimes the path has light. 
Sometimes the path gives me beauty
and the hope that I don't have go it alone

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2015

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this. Just what I needed to read this morning.