Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015


All of us need sinks
          with faucets
          and soap,
          and water,
          and space,
          to wash away
          the hurts,
          the mistakes
          of everyday

All of us stand there
          in the morning,
          in the evening,
          during the day,
          behind closed doors,
          and every once
          in awhile
          we really look
          into that mirror
          above the sink
          and really look
          at the me
          I am.

All of us need that time
          at our sinks,
          to turn over
          a bar of soap
          in our hands,
          time to turn
          over a remark,
          or a wondering,
          or a relationship,
          in this place backstage,
          to think.

And then we can step back
          from the sink,
          dry off our hands
          and our face,
          and then adjust
          our masks,
          as we open the door
          and head back

          towards the stage. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is very insightful.